- Students should always wear their valid College Identity Card before they enter the College premises, or whenever they are representing the College at any other place. Further, it should be produced whenever demanded by any of the College staff.
- The student must be present in his/her respective classroom for the lectures on time i..e. 8 A.M.
- During conduction of lectures, students should not loiter in and around the college premises.
- While representing the College at any other place, the students’ behavior should not be detrimental and injurious to the image of the College.
- In case of any problem, personal or academic, students should report it to Prof¬-in-charge of their respective classes, or the Vice Principal, or Principal who will help them to solve their problem.
- Students are directed not to bring any outsider to the College premises.
- All students should observe decorum with regards to both clothing and behavior.
- The students are not allowed to bring their mobile phones in the college premises. A strict disciplinary action and monetary penalty will be imposed on defaulters. Cell phones will be confiscated if not followed instructions.
- Students are not supposed to carry any valuable things in the college. College will not be responsible in case of any loss.
- The students should return the Identity card at the time of collecting their final result.
- The power relating to the disciplinary action in the College will lie with the Principal and his decision in this respect shall be final and binding. Anyone who violates the code of conduct will be severely dealt with accordingly.
- In case of science students the term / terms shall not be deemed as kept and shall not be granted unless the student produces at the end of the term his/ her laboratory Journals in his/her science subjects duly certified by Heads of the respective science departments.
- All applications for leave of absence along with medical certificate, if any, are to be submitted to the respective class teacher or head of attendance committee.
- Students who request leave of absence from lectures / practical’s / tutorials for participating in sports, games, cultural or any other activities for and on behalf of the College, should submit the applications countersigned by the respective Prof-in-charge.
- The Anti-Ragging Committee of the institution shall take an appropriate decision, in regard to punishment or otherwise, depending on the facts of each incident of ragging and nature and gravity of the incident of ragging established in the recommendations of the Anti-Ragging Squad.